Do you really need to
This is the very first question you need to ask yourself. If
you are obsessed only by an advertisement of a luxury apartment and you don’t
really have any problem with your current home, this obsession is really not
worth the trouble and its consequences in long term following the move.
However, if you are getting frustrated due to limited living space,
neighborhood or the environment in which you can’t adjust, moving is the
appropriate option.
Get a lot of boxes
After you have arranged the new home and now you are
planning to move in the near future, the first thing you should get is a lot of
cardboard boxes. These boxes are usually inexpensive and can be bought in a
bulk almost everywhere. Moreover, these boxes are occasionally available at
craigslist for free. A little DIY work that you can do with the boxes to make
them easy to move is to make handles by cutting from sides. You only need a
cutter for that purpose.
Assign colors to
Although it is an old fashioned way, it still provides
unmatchable convenience. You can assign color to the rooms in the new home and
attach color papers with the boxes. This way, the box with a specific color
strip would go directly into the room it belongs to. Moreover, you can give
boxes the numbers alongside color strips. That would help you to prioritize the
unpacking process.
Use tapes in
Usage in abundance doesn’t refer to wasting this resource because
moving is the process that requires everything to be secured well. The boxes
you are going to move to new place would contain your valuables which you don’t
really want to get destroyed. The only way you can ensure it is to tape the
boxes and seal them with a free hand. Tapes are needed to secure not only the
boxes but the items inside the boxes too. If you have used bubble wrap to
secure the delicate items, taping the bubble wrap would ensure that item
wouldn’t get out of the wrap.
Take photographs of
the electronic items’ cords
After unpacking of your TV, DVD, computer and PlayStation at
the new home, you might find connecting the cords hectic due to the lack of
knowledge about cables. You can either call the professional who would cost you
reasonable amount of money, or you can do it yourself. For unfussy DIY, it is
recommended that you take photographs of all the cords before disconnecting
them at the old place.
Get help from
professional movers
While calling the friends for moving your items
to the new place seems cost effective option, no one would take responsibility
if anything breaks. Even if they do, you would have to act like it doesn’t
matter out of courtesy for acquaintances. Sometimes, it can turn out to be even
more expensive. Therefore, it is always recommended to spend some money and
hire professionals rather than asking favors.